Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strange day....

 Due to the construction work on the highway in front of the motel I had to back track about two miles to get gas and head in the right direction.

 Stopped at the gas station to top off for the days starting run and forgot to pick up the receipt for my gas purchase big deal but I've been trying to keep track of things.

 Then I went in to buy a map since the AAA forgot to add the Arkansas map to my pack......and almost forgot to get my change......not a good start....

 Head out and about 20 miles up the road the first direction change happens and I miss it and
had to run 10 miles out and 10 miles back to get going the right way.

 A group of bikes rolled by about this time and I see they are the Buffalo Soldiers out of St.Louis riding a variety of bikes including what appears to be a Cobalt Blue Stratoliner .

They wave and roll on by.......

Eventually I roll into Hardy, AR, the antique capital of Arkansas and pass The Garlic Rose Cafe.

 And the Ozark Classic Crafts Mall.

These buildings date back to the early 1900's and earlier.

The two story brick one is dated 1920.

Continuing on I finally crossed into Missouri.

Not far up the road I found myself in Branson so I stopped and walked around the Old Town area and picked up a few items.

As I head out of Branson it starts to sprinkle but was fairly light and only lasts for a few miles.

Eventually I reach Springfield, MO and again I missed the exit for the motel and had to do the old "U" turn trick.

Tomorrow up to Baldwin City to see my cousin.....


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